Saturday, 8 November 2014

Where do we even begin?

Makeup.... say what? 

Where do we even begin? What is makeup all about?

Growing up with 5 boys I was a tomboy and makeup for me was something that meant nothing at all to me! I mean I was practically a boy and I didn't know anything about makeup.
I always used to think that makeup makes you look fake and you should be proud of what you have and not worry about makeup. which is true and I still think that but I think makeup only enhances what you have, you don't need makeup to look pretty - every person is beautiful in their own way and looks aren't everything. That being said though, I think it does help a lot of girls gain confidence and self-esteem, I know it helped me. 
I don't wear makeup because im ashamed of how my face looks or I want to look like the models on TV, I wear makeup because it gives me that extra boost of confidence and makes me feel better. 

I never had particularly great skin but during my teenage years I was lucky to not go through that crazy acne and breakouts phase - unfortunately now its catching up to me :(
My first experience with so called "makeup" was an absolute DISASTER! believe me it was enough to put me off using any product on my face ever again! 
So being the smart ass I was at that time I decided I knew everything there was to know about what products to use, so with all this confidence I walk into K-mart (yeah you read right... don't judge me, please :/ ). I can't remember what brand it was but yeah I go there and buy myself a foundation. I have no clue how I picked the shade and all but yeah I bought it. I used it and well 3 or 4 days later had an allergic reaction :( I had pimples, puffy red skin and oh it was horrible! It took my skin a good 6 months to get back to 'normal' and obviously I stopped using any products of my face.

Well the whole point of me telling you this is no matter what products you use it is very important to look after your skin. I cannot stress enough about this, you need to look after your skin before anything else. 
Yeah makeup will help hide all the flaws on your face but its not going to make you feel better and that's when you become dependent on it and I think that is something that should never happen! you should be just as comfortable in your own skin as you are when wearing makeup. I see some girls who are so afraid of leaving the house without makeup or even letting their own family see them without makeup - I mean come on! really? 
If only we spent all that time putting on makeup to make our skin look and feel good then we wouldn't have to worry so much about makeup. 

I don't want to be writing too much in this post but in my following post I will tell you guys about the things I've tried to keep my skin flawless, daily routine and the products I use and which have helped and which haven't as well. 
So wait up for the next post :)

Thanks for reading guys! 

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